LTV YEP 2023: The Blooming Chapter

  • 2024.02.16

The Year End Party 2023 is an annual event aimed at summarizing the achievements of the last year and launching plans for the new year.

Inspired by the continual regrowth and change of the natural world, Year-End Party 2023: The Blooming Chapter sent a message about the upcoming journey of LTV: Be ready to accept challenges and see them as opportunities to go further. 

In the opening section, the audience was surprised by a dazzling fashion show by LTVers. "The Blooming Chapter" concept was conveyed in the visuals, music, and design, much like spring flowers.

Following this, the five award categories of the LTV Year-End Awards were announced. These results came after an enthusiastic round of voting by the entire company to select the most outstanding faces after a year of dedication. 

Throughout the event, artistic performances by the LTV members created many unforgettable moments for all.

Lucky draw gifts found their owners. These are absolutely joys and luck for members in the new year. 

YEP 2023 brought a wide range of emotions. In "Blooming Chapter", each flower symbolized the achievement gained from overcoming challenges. The more flowers, the more challenges we had to overcome. Thank you for your hard work!