LINE Technology Vietnam always strives for continuous improvement by KAIZEN
- 2020.02.26
What do the engineers at LINE Technology Vietnam (LTV) do for continuous improvement at work? Let’s check it out through one of usually technical activities here.
Officially implemented from January 2019 under the direction of Mr. Kamada Daisuke - Vice President of Engineer of LTV, KAIZEN has become an indispensable activity of all engineers on every first and third of Thursday afternoon of the month. Here, the project teams will discuss issues, problems and together find solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of work. New technologies and in-depth techniques are shared so that each engineers would have chance to learn, research and apply into their projects.
Every 6 months, such technical groups as Backend, Frontend, Native, QA, Comtor,… will review together the results achieved through each KAIZEN sessions applied to project and propose new ideas, new methods for improvement. The presentations, which highlight the strong teamwork spirit, seriously stick to the topic and show outstanding output on project as well as following the mindset development will be received special rewards. Most recently, the final 6-month KAIZEN review in 2019 took place on 26th December 2019 with various topics and contents:
Infra Team: Research about LINE’s Infra, VKS & Kubernetes
Backend1: Automation test
Backend2: Microservice Deployment
Backend3: Mongo
UIT1: Performance
iOS: Sync knowledge and skills with Global Devs
QA: Develop the career path following ISTQB & to be a global Engineer
As quality of presentations are pretty good, so after considerable deliberation of BOD, special rewards go to iOS team, Performance UIT team, Automation test team and Microservice BE team.
With the goal of improving mindset and developing each individual to become a product engineer, hopefully KAIZEN activities will be more and more fruitful and a good opportunity to promote individual technical and group development as well as improving project’s quality and products of LTV.